*************************************************** * The Rockman & Forte Translation Patch * * (version 1.5) - 99% Final release * *************************************************** What's new? (07.20.2000) I just wanted to clear some things about the limits of the the translation patch. first of all, I haven't translated any of the CD profiles. this is because they were written using a special japanese alphabet which requires only a few letters to express many words. thus, there isn't enough space for the english text. second, since the graphics are encripted and I lack the tools and knowledge to decript them, I haven't changed any graphics which contain japanese text. and even if I could, I don't think i would be able to DRAW, for example, a new "Megaman and Bass" title screen. you may also notice other graphics that I have left unchanged. so long! (07.10.2000) version 1.5: THE PATCH IS FINALLY COMPLETE! all the text has been translated in both megaman and bass's storylines. you can now enjoy both endings and know what the hell is going on there. great! well, this is as far as I can go. further graphic translation (as in the save-continue-quit menu and mainly the title screen!) requires a programming knowledge that I lack. I hope someone can carry on this job... thank you for your support. and thanks to Capcom for making such great games that made my childhood so happy! (I'm now in college). please enjoy this game as much as I did. hope to see you soon! (03.02.2000) version 1.2: second release after almost two years! the shop text and main menu have some modifications. Roll's quotes are complete for the stages of tenguman, astroman, coldman, and groundman. Also, some more final scenes have been translated (mostly in megaman's storyline). More updates soon! (10.18.1998) version 1.0: initial release! the intro scenes, the shop text, and menu text are completely translated. Roll's messages and some final scenes are partially translated. also the database names and Dr.Light's comments are translated, but due to space problems it doesn't say "hardman, ringman, etc.", but "hard, ring, etc.". hope you don't mind. Story This patch is the result of many long hours in front of my computer screen. Believe it or not I tought myself how to translate a ROM by searching on the Net, and testing and testing and testing... When I found this game I realized that most people wouldn't be able to fully enjoy such a great Megaman title simply because Capcom just never translated it. That's how it all started! See ya! Visit the Rockman & Forte translation page! http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/5048/megaman/rockman.htm Jean Paul jean-paul@geocities.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2000. Rockman, Forte, and all related characters are registered trademarks of CAPCOM Co., Ltd. I am in no way affiliated with them, although I wish I was.